We are currently building the site and will be adding stories, updates, and other features. Stay tuned!
You can also find the sample email to Erin Rutherford at the top of this page.
Click above to view the text of our petition. If you want to sign, email us or call (780) 652-1504 to arrange a meeting time.
Cliquez ci-dessus pour voir le texte de notre pétition. Si vous souhaitez signer, envoyez-nous un e-mail ou appelez le (780) 652-1504 pour convenir d'un rendez-vous.
انقر أعلاه لعرض نص عريضتنا. إذا كنت ترغب في التوقيع، راسلنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني
.أو اتصل على (780) 652-1504 لترتيب موعد الاجتماع (info@stopthedestructionofdunluce.ca)
For your convenience, we also have our petition online that you can sign: Click here.
As of 2024-Nov-11
Please find the audio and transcript of the above meeting here: Click to open
Please find the City's proposal on their site here: Click to open
Area-by-area designs are shown on the City's Feedback report available here.
Please find our list here: Click to open
Here is the City's responses to our original questions: Click to open
The City conducted a survey in 2018, but did they treat residents' concerns seriously? Click to see the PDF
Our site is 100% created and maintained by volunteers.
We thank you for your patience while we add more features.